Sunday, November 15, 2009


I've actually been thinking about writing something about this for quite some time now, and now that I have this blog that a few people will read for no discernible reason, there's no time like the present.

So now, I present to you:

The Most Overrated Bands/Singers/Musicians of All Time #10-#6

Disclaimer: This is going to be a touchy subject for some of you, I know. It's important that I clarify that I don't necessarily hate these groups, or that they're music sucks, I just simply think that they get more love than they actually deserve. In my research (fancy term for asking Mark who he thought was overrated), names like Nickelback and Creed were placed before me as options for this list. I chose not to include them because those bands are simply terrible, and nobody actually likes them. They don't qualify for the "Overrated" title, but instead fall into the oversized bin labeled "Undoubtedly Crappy Yet Somehow Famous. Thanks a lot, Junior High." Without further ado, let's get this train wreck going.

10. Insane Clown Posse

Now, I know it seems like I'm already violating my Creed and Nickelback rule, and it's only the first entry on my list, but it turns out that the Insane Clown Posse (or ICP, to retarded people) has a legion of rabidly loyal fans, the majority of whom I assume live in trailer parks in mid-western states. Collectively, these hicks are known as the Juggalos (or if you are a 350 lb. teenage girl with an affinity for fishnet stockings: Juggalette) and they have a yearly concert that they have appropriately named "The Gathering of the Juggalos." I don't need to waste your or my time by explaining to you how mind-numbingly retarded the whole concept of Juggalos is or how mind-numbingly retarded it is that there is a band actually named Insane Clown Posse. Bonus retard points for my home state of Utah for actually classifying the Juggalos as a gang entity. So go ahead, take a second look at the picture of these Juggalos, then listen to an Insane Clown Posse song, and you'll know exactly why they sit at #10 on this list.

9. Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, or any other sleepy voiced guy that makes sleepy music

Nicknamed the “Galveston Giant”, Jack Johnson was an American boxer, the best heavyweight of his generation and the first black world heavyweight boxing champion (1908-1915). In a documentary about his life, Ken Burns notes, "For more than thirteen years, Jack Johnson was the most famous and the most notorious African-American on Earth."...
Stop glaring at me, kid with the hemp and sea shell necklace. What's that you're saying? Oh, sorry. I was supposed to talk about the SINGER Jack Johnson. Apparently, a guy who wrote the soundtrack for Curious George is more interesting than a pioneer in African-American athletics and who once was arrested for "transporting women across state lines for immoral purposes."
What was that, Hemp and Sea Shell Boy? You love Jack Johnson because his music is chill and represents your laid back life of playing hacky sack at the beach and surfing? Where were you from again? Orem? Yep.

8. 311

No picture for 311, because the actual sight of this band makes me feel nauseated. Here's a fun little factoid, when I did an image search for 311 logos, a lot of the logos had incorporated flames in them in some way. I don't think I need to say anything more about that.

7. The Beatles

A lot of people are going to hate me for this one; and before you start throwing darts through the picture of me you have hanging on your wall, I refer you to the disclaimer at the beginning of this post. The Beatles are not a bad band. They have an extensive collection of good, catchy songs and The Beatles: Rockband is an awesome game. The issue here is that there are many other bands out there that have simply made better, catchier songs than the Beatles. There are many other bands whose songs have greater emotional impact on the listener. There are many other bands that don't let drugs and crazy hippy Asian women ruin their previously perfect careers. They are overrated because their impact on the industry has been run down and trivialized, with their catalogue of songs only good now for video games and Aerosmith covers.

6. Bob Marley

Here is a picture that hangs on the walls of 75% of the apartments at Brigham Young University. I don't know if you knew this, but the overwhelming majority of BYU students are members of the LDS Church. Now, I am going to include a quote of Marley's: “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.”
He is about half right with that one. As to why BYU students love Bob Marley so much, I cannot explain. Why a group of people who claim to live a strict set of standards would openly support a lifestyle not endorsed by their moral code is beyond me. But I promised myself I wouldn't soapbox, so I'll stop before I get going.
I don't know if you have listened to a Bob Marley song lately, but his music has two distinct qualities shared within the genre of reggae music: 1. His lyrics make no sense, and 2. His songs are nearly indistinguishable one from another. Recipe for success, right? I guess so, because if you judge by that criteria, then Bob Marley is Lady GaGa's musical grandfather. Enjoy having that one on your conscience, Marley fans.

That does it for the first half. I'll get the second half up later so you all can be further educated.


  1. I like the blog. What about Ben Kweller? Oh yeah, he's the same person as Ben Harper. And with 311, you know they're overrated if they make you say, 'of all the bands of the 90's, these are the guys that survived?'

  2. HAHA I don't think I've ever enjoyed a blog nearly as much as I have enjoyed reading this one. I have to agree with almost all the bands on your list but one. I have been to The Gathering three years in a row and I'd like you to know that some juggalos are the most fun loving creatures God put on this earth. Please retract any past and future statements that demean their good name.

    P.S- I can't jump on The Beatles boat (submarine?) and always get crap for it. Nice to know some one else agrees.

    I'd post my name but the internet scares me and I don't want someone stealing my identity.
