Monday, November 16, 2009

Overrated. Part 2.

It's high time I delivered part 2 of my list of overrated musicians. Do you agree? do you disagree? I'm all for discussion. If you have anything to say, feel free to do so. But lets stop wasting time and jump right into the list, shall we?

5. Weezer


Derivative and Lame.

Weezer was awesome. Way awesome. The songs on the Blue Album are still among my favorite songs of all time. So what happened? I can't say that they sold out, because their music was commercially geared in the first place. Their music didn't change much, their stuff sounds really similar to the stuff they made back in the mid-90's. So I ask again, what happened?

and people like this

Both things have major issues. Let's start with Weezer front man Rivers Cuomo's appearance.
I'm not one to bash on glorious 'staches, in fact, to have a glorious 'stache is one of my life long ambitions, much to the dismay of my wonderful wife. A glorious 'stache turns an ordinary person into an extraordinary person. Without a glorious 'stache, you're just a regular guy hammering out a living working as a waiter at a rather hokey Mexican restaurant; but with a glorious 'stache, you've been on three African safaris, where all the hunting was done with your bare hands. Do you see the difference? The problem with Mr. Cuomo's 'stache is that it is more of a pretentious 'stache, and not so much a glorious 'stache. He grew it to give himself more appeal to the emo/indie/moron group, instead of growing it for glory. The cowboy hat just makes things worse. I can only think of a few instances where one should actually be wearing a real cowboy hat: 1. If you are an actual cowboy and 2. If your cowboy hat is covered in gold sequins and you are dressed as a gay cowboy for Halloween.

This is me doing right everything Rivers Cuomo does wrong.

Cuomo is neither of these things. He needs to stop trying so hard to make a statement with his fashion and just let the music do it.
Next comes the fans. I hope I don't offend you who consider yourselves Weezer fans, okay, honestly I don't care. You probably look like this kid above, and the only reason you listen to Weezer is to get with the dim college girls that think that they like Weezer because they don't know any better. Find something more useful to do than riding in the passenger seat of a Jetta some girl's dad bought her praying that she touches your leg on the way to the 80's dance. Be honest with yourselves and quit sucking.

4. Bob Dylan

'Nuff said.

3. Linkin Park

Oh man, bro! Linkin Park is soooooo cool, bro! Their music, like, totally blows my mind, bro! Hey, bro, can you hold my iPhone while I readjust my leather bracelet? Thanks bro! Hey, bro, check out some of the fan art I've done of my favorite band in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD, BRO!! WHOOOOOOO!
I'll start with my favorite: I love anime, bro! So I figured, why not draw my boys in an anime style? Most hardcore animation style for the MOST HARDCORE BAND EVER, BRO!!!


I like to imagine sometimes that the best band in the world has super powers, just like Neo in the Matrix, a.k.a. the BEST MOVIE EVER, BRO!!

This is a self portrait. I think I caught my hair perfectly in this picture. My 14-year old girlfriend told me it's the best drawing she's ever seen, bro.

Linkin Park fans are morons and know nothing about music.

2. Billy Joel
Please don't play us another song, Pianoman.

I can't for the life of me understand how this drunkard is more famous than I am. Well, I guess he does have two good songs over a career that spans over 40 years. Plus he ran his car into a house. I don't have the ability to get THAT drunk and stay conscious, so I guess he does have a few things over me.

1. Johnny Cash
Good heavens, that's an unattractive man.

Terrible, terrible, music. Just listen to this crap. He has a voice that makes me wish I was listening to Dylan and his lyrics make Papa Roach seem like Robert Frost. His music causes me to beg as my poor ears receive an audio assault comparable only to the sound cannon in The Incredible Hulk. A fitting first place finish for Johnny Trash as a musical abomination and as the most overrated musician of all time.


  1. hahahahahahaha!!! everything you said, especially about weezer and linkin park killed me. i agree with it all. i love it and you!

  2. Man oh man your blog is awesome. I found it while looking for pictures of Bob Dylan on the internet for my blog. Also we are the same age and both married. Also you make an amazing gay cowboy.

  3. I love you...MORE ;)

  4. Okay, I think that Johnny Cash was very decent music. There are other Country singers I like better. He wasn't bad looking when he was young. I do like Weezer, they are okay. But the most overrated Band is The Beatles. They were just not good, and I don't think they really had much stage presence either. Overall, though you seem awfully critical. I don't think care for Billy Joel, but I will take him any day over the Beetles.
